The name of the Society shall be the Southeast Asian Mathematical Society.
The address of the Society at any given time shall be the Department of Mathematics or principal place of employment of the President then in office. This address shall be published in the Society's directory, website and/or newsletter.
The objectives of the Society shall be the following:
a. To promote the advancement of the mathematical sciences and mathematics education in Southeast Asia.
b. To facilitate the exchange of information about current research work and teaching methods between mathematicians in Southeast Asia.
c. To encourage and foster friendly collaboration with the members of other recognised mathematical and scientific institutions.
d. To publish newsletters, bulletins, directories and other similar publications relating to the objectives of the Society.
e. To sponsor mathematics symposia, meetings of mathematicians, lecture tours, and other academic and social activities among its members.
1. Member-societies
a. Member-societies of SEAMS shall be national mathematical societies in Southeast Asia, comprised by the following:
• Cambodian Mathematical Society
• Hong Kong Mathematical Society
• Indonesian Mathematical Society
• Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (Persatuan Sains Matematik Malaysia)
• Mathematical Society of Myanmar
• Mathematical Society of the Philippines
• Singapore Mathematical Society
• Mathematical Association of Thailand
• Vietnam Mathematical Society
b. Other national mathematical societies in Southeast Asia can become members of the Society upon approval by the SEAMS Council.
2. Affiliate Members
a. To facilitate jointly-sponsored activities and jointly pursuing the objectives of SEAMS, a national mathematical society outside the Southeast Asian region can join SEAMS as affiliate member.
b. Affiliate members can participate in meetings and activities of SEAMS but shall have no voting rights. They have the right to submit proposals for joint activities with SEAMS to the SEAMS Council. The SEAMS Council shall keep affiliate members informed of all SEAMS activities.
3. Individual Members
All members of the member-societies are members of SEAMS.
1. There shall be a Council consisting of two representatives from each member-society, the officers of the Society, and the Chief Editor of the SEAMS Bulletin. The two representatives of each member-society shall consist of its President and a second representative officially designated by the member-society. If the Chief Editor is not a representative of a member-society, then he/she shall have no voting rights.
2. The Council shall formulate and administer the scientific policies of the Society. It may create ad hoc committees for specific tasks or activities in line with the Society’s objectives.
3. The Council may delegate to the Executive Committee (Article VII) certain of its duties and powers. Between meetings of the Council, the Executive Committee shall act for the Council on such matters and in such ways as the Council may specify. (Nothing herein contained shall be construed as empowering the Council to divest itself of responsibility for insulating and administering the scientific policies of the Society.)
4. The Council shall also have power to speak in the name of the Society with respect to matters affecting the status of mathematics or mathematicians.
5. In case an officer of the Society resigns or for any other reason ceases to serve the Society before the end of his/her term of office, then it shall be the responsibility of the Council to appoint a replacement who shall serve for the remainder of the term in which the vacancy occurs.
6. The Council shall normally meet once a year. Meetings of the Council shall be convened by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee, or upon request of a simple majority of member-societies.
7. At Council meetings, a simple majority of all member-societies shall form a quorum. Resolutions may be adopted by a simple majority of all member-societies present. The President shall preside as Chair of all Council meetings and shall have a casting vote. In the absence of the President, a Vice-President shall preside as Chair and have a casting vote.
1. There shall be a President, a President-Elect (during the odd numbered years only), an Immediate Past-President (during the even numbered years only), two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary and a treasurer. The President may appoint the Secretary and Treasurer from among the Council or colleagues from the President’s home department. In the latter case, the appointed officers shall be ex-officio members of the Council without voting rights.
2. The President shall be responsible for the public relations of the Society, preside over all meetings, and supervise the work of the Executive Committee. It shall be a duty of the President to submit an end-of-term report.
3. In the absence of the President, one of the two Vice-President shall carry out his/her duties; and in the absence of the President and both Vice-Presidents, the Council shall nominate some other member to take charge of the President's duties temporarily.
4. The Secretary shall be responsible for the records of the Society, for maintaining of an up-to-date Register of Members, for sending notices of meetings and for recording and keeping the minutes of these meetings. The Secretary shall turn over all Council records to his/her successor at the end of the term.
5. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all the funds of the Society. He/she shall prepare an end-of-term financial report and turn over all financial records to his/her successor.
1. There shall be an Executive Committee of the Council, consisting of the following members: the President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the President-Elect (during odd numbered years) and the Immediate Past-President (during the even numbered years).
2. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to act for the Council on matters that have been delegated to the Executive Committee by the Council. The Executive Committee shall be accountable to the Council and shall report its actions to the Council. It may consider the agenda for meetings of the Council and may make recommendations to the Council.
1. The terms of office shall be two years in the case of the President, the two Vice-Presidents, the Secretary and the Treasurer; and one year in the case of the President-Elect and the Immediate Past-President. All terms of office shall begin on January 1 and terminate on December 31. All officers shall continue to serve until their successors have been duly elected and/or appointed.
2. The President-Elect shall be elected by written ballot to be conducted during a regular or special meeting of the Council. The Vice-Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer shall be appointed by the Council upon the recommendation of the President-Elect.
3. At the end of the term of office, the President-Elect shall become the President. At the end of his/her term of office, the President shall become the Immediate Past-President.
4. The President shall not be eligible for immediate re-election to the same office.
1. Individual member-societies of SEAMS may set aside an account for SEAMS activities in that country. Funds may be raised through donations or charging of fees for SEAMS activities.
2. Funds of the Society shall only be used to meet the regular expenses of the Society and to undertake the affairs as stipulated in the "Objectives" of the Society.
Any debt or liability of the Society shall be the responsibility of all the Council members and the Executive Committee of that current term.
1. The Constitution of the Society may only be amended by a resolution passed by at least 2/3 of the member-societies present at a regular or special Council meeting.
2. No such resolution shall have effect unless notice of proposal for such amendment shall have been given in the notice calling the Council meeting. Such notice shall be given to members at least 4 weeks before the holding of such Council meeting.
1. The Society shall be dissolved by resolution passed by ¾ of the member-societies present at a Council meeting provided that no such resolution shall have effect unless notice of proposal for dissolution was given in the notice calling the regular or special Council meeting. Such notice shall be given to Council members at least 4 weeks before the holding of such meeting.
2. Should it be necessary to dissolve the Society, any fund or property it possesses shall be made over to any society having similar objectives or, failing that, shall be applied to some charitable purposes determined by the Executive Committee.
1Approved by the SEAMS Council during the SEAMS Council Meeting held in Yogyakata, Indonesia on 29 July 2019.